In almost every professional sector, equipment financing through leasing is gaining ground. And IT equipment is no exception.

Why? This solution has economic, practical, and ecological advantages. It’s up to you to decide what suits you with the advantages of renting IT equipment presented below.
Renting is economically advantageous
First and foremost, leasing your IT equipment ensures that you pay a fair price for your products, based on the actual use you make of them. When your products are no longer useful to you or are no longer in satisfactory condition, you can return them at the end of your contract. This saves you from financing them unnecessarily, as would be the case if you had purchased them, only to have to throw them away or store them after a few months.
Renting allows you to have the right equipment at the right time
Investing in new technologies is essential to maintain the competitiveness and commercial dynamism of your company. This is especially true for computer equipment, as computers become obsolete after only a few years. The possibility of leasing therefore allows you to regularly renew your computer equipment while maintaining control of your budget. Thanks to leasing, you will have access to the latest products without exceeding your budget to acquire them. You will only have to pay a fixed rent.
Renting gives you visibility on your budget
There is no risk of unpleasant surprise expenses: the rental costs are fixed and stable, spread over the precise duration of your rental, specified at the time of signing the contract for your IT equipment. On the other hand, if you buy technology devices – PCs, tablets, monitors, etc. – you can find yourself faced with significant and unexpected costs when a product becomes obsolete and you need to replace it.
Renting is convenient
Another advantage of renting rather than buying computer equipment is that your employees are relieved of many mundane and tedious tasks. The financial institution or lending institution you use may offer to outsource the operational and administrative management of your computer equipment. In other words, it will take care of installing the computers and software, configuring the equipment, and technical maintenance. Convenient!
Renting is environmentally friendly
Leasing your IT equipment is more environmentally friendly than buying it. This is true for several reasons. First, by leasing your equipment, as we have already mentioned, you will always have access to the most recent, and therefore the most energy-efficient, equipment. But that’s not all: the products you return at the end of your contract are reintroduced into the economic cycle, either by being rented again as used equipment or by being recycled following national standards. Your ecological footprint is therefore smaller than if you had purchased your equipment.
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